The Erasumus Mundus Design Measure MONROE - Master in phOtonic NetwoRking and clOud Engineering will focus on the integration of three universities and associated partners, in view of the realization of a new Erasmus Mundus Joint Master. Specifically, our EMDM MONROE will cover the definition of the full set of learning outcomes and didactic plan organized over mobility paths, the management and administrative structure of the Master’s, as well as the plans for sustainability, dissemination, inclusion and Master’s accreditation.
The new Master in phOtonic NetwoRking and clOud Engineering (MONROE) will train talented young telecommunication and electrical engineers in the advanced use of: photonics, telecommunications and cloud computing for future networking needs. Through a holistic taught programme that ranges from photonic devices and systems to network architectures, software components and computer systems, the students will acquire skillsets that will be crucial to support the design and development of future mobile and digital networks, such as:
- 6G systems
- Internet of Things architectures
- low-energy integrated components
- e-services
- citizen-driven applications.
The new MONROE Master's will be a follow-up of the previous Erasmus Mundus PIXNET program (, which has just ended in 2022, after three successful editions. Building on this experience, both the consortium composition and the educational objectives have been transformed to address the multiple and inter-disciplinary challenges created by the very rapid evolution of optical networks and cloud computing.